How do I reference my work?

When you produce an assignment, you usually need to research and refer to the work of other authors.  If you use or refer to someone else's words, thoughts and/or ideas, or if you use someone else's images or diagrams in your own work you must be careful to fully acknowledge all your sources of information.  You do this by providing a reference or citation for each source. 


What Referencing style do I use?

There are many referencing styles around, but from 2023 Wodonga TAFE uses the APA (7th ed.) style of referencing.  Students who commenced before 2023 may continue to use APA (6th ed.), or can choose to transition to the 7th ed.  Guides for both versions will be available for the rest of the year.

Do I have to reference?

One of the reasons you should acknowledge your sources of information is to protect yourself from accusations of plagiarism (sometimes referred to as cheating or stealing).

For students, Wodonga TAFE sees referencing skills as an important academic skill, but recognises that such skills may develop along a continuum of performance levels or expectations from Certificate I up to Advanced Diplomas.

Whilst all students and staff are expected to acknowledge the source of works which are not their own, no set style may be mandated for students at the Certificate I - IV level, whereas it is recognised that the use of a formal Referencing style such as APA is an appropriate skill for students at Diploma level and above.  

Check with your teacher, or read carefully the requirements of the assessment, to see if you are required to use APA style referencing.  Many Cert IV level courses also require students to reference with APA style.

If you have not been asked to use APA style, there is nothing to stop you from using it anyway as it is a useful academic skill. At the very least, you should acknowledge the sources of your information by providing some identifying details such as a web link or the details of a book, either next to your answer or in a list of references at the end. 

Where can I get help with referencing?

There is a comprehensive guide to Referencing APA style (7th ed.) available from the Library website and linked below.  This guide includes an introduction to referencing, an explanation of in-text and end-text references, detailed examples of how to reference types of material you might use (books, websites, videos, etc.), as well as guidance on how to use Microsoft Word's referencing module to produce and manage APA 7th references (Note: APA7 does not come standard with Microsoft Word, but you can choose to download an APA7 style file and install it to your device. A link to download the file and instructions are available from the APA7 guide).

Rest assured, you don't need to memorize everything about referencing!  Just know that the Referencing Guide is always there to guide you.

Your teacher may arrange for a referencing workshop for your class, usually from the librarian, to introduce you to referencing.  Ask your teacher about this.

If you need more assistance, the following services are available

  • Drop-in to the Library and get help from the study support teams or book an appointment with the Librarian
  • Make an appointment with the Academic Skills advisors using the link below.
  • Submit a question using the form on this page.


  • Last Updated Mar 12, 2024
  • Views 548
  • Answered By Brenda Burr

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